
I’m a proud Greek-American and my family heritage has fueled my creativity. Inspired by my mother’s skill with intricate embroidery, my Yia-Yia’s talents for making lace, and my grandmother’s love of American crafting, my passion is rooted in tradition with American style and boldness.

All I have ever wanted in life is to make people smile. Simply, to create joy.

As a developing artist, there were so many mediums I explored… painting, clay sculpture, photography, illustration, pen & ink, etc. But then, in a pivotal moment, I discovered felt. The bright colors and texture had so many possibilities that instantly filled me with joy.

Let’s get this straight, this isn’t your kindergartner’s felt. This is a high-quality wool/rayon and wool/viscose premium blended felt material with only three sources in the world. With 150 colors to choose from, it creates exciting limitations to what can be created, which is what I thrive on. I have only just started to scratch the surface of what I want to achieve with such an unassuming material. 

I was raised in Poughkeepsie, NY, and currently live in Atlanta, GA. My adorable son, inspirational mother, motivating boyfriend, supportive ex-husband, and super needy dog fills my life with joy.